Friday, January 5, 2018

Lafayette Cemetery #1, Firefighters

Originally posted October 29, 2017 on Facebook

It's Sunday! Time for some reflection...

Today I want to share a monument from Lafayette Cemetery Number 1 in New Orleans, Louisiana. It's the Jefferson Fire Company #22 communal tomb.

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It was built in 1852. During that time, firefighters were given free life insurance and burial benefits. Which says something scary about safety on the job.

Do you see the squares on the long side? The coffins went into those slots. No below ground burials in New Orleans because of the water table.

It made me think about my relatives who were firefighters in the NYC Fire Department, the volunteers who gave me and the Burn Foundation in Philadelphia their time and dedication, and the firefighters who lost their lives on 9/11. Understanding that those lives had been lost was one of the most harrowing moments of my life.

Never mind all of the volunteer and professional firefighters who work so hard to keep us all safe.

When I took these photos, mostly I thought of my dear friends Hawk and his partner Diane. We pay attention. We worry. We thank you.

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