Friday, January 5, 2018

An Explanation and A Beginning

First posted October 24, 2017 to Facebook

I wanted to create a place for me to record stories, photos, and information about cemeteries and those resting in them.

While I have a large amount of photos and information about different cemetery monuments, I thought I should start with a few cemetery stories about my family.

I was just recently asked how I got so interested in cemeteries. I think it's because of the cemetery ritual in my family. Every holiday - Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, Mothers' Day - my mother and her mother, with the husbands and whoever they corralled into going with them, would gather cleaning supplies in a bucket, and flowers, and head off to the cemetery to tend to the family graves. Clean the stone, pull the weeds, lay down the flowers.

Cemeteries were places where you visited the family, cared for the graves, and started the onslaught of stories about the relatives buried there.

So cemeteries have always been about family, and stories.

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